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When And Where To Go On An African Safari

When to go on a safari sometimes depends on when you can actually take a vacation. If you're looking for the best safari experience and don't mind what country to go to, then this is the right guide just for you. It's a month by month blow account of the best animal viewing opportunities in Africa.


January is prime safari time in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. The weather is usually dry and the animals will congregate in dense numbers around permanent water supplies.

The migrating wildebeest can be found in northern parks of Tanzania during this time of year especially in the southern Ndutu and Salei plains.


February is one of the best months to go on safari in Tanzania because thousands of wildebeest are usually born around this time. Most of the wildebeest give birth within the same three week period. If you like seeing young animals, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda are all perfect this time of year.


Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda are still in dry season and the density and diversity of animals can't be matched elsewhere this month. #KenyaUgandaTanzania


It’s a good month for those looking for discounted safaris because the rains usually start in East Africa.

Rains bring plentiful water and the animals tend to disperse making them harder to find while on safari. Vegetation begins to get very lush which can obstruct your views of the animals.

It’s an ideal safari in Tanzania without the crowds, especially in the northern parks.

Southern Africa is coming in to its own, in April with cooler, drier weather and Botswana and Namibia are good places for April.


The best country to go on safari is probably Zambia. Zambia offers a truly wild African safari and there aren't too many months when the parks can operate at full tilt, so you have to take advantage of it while it lasts.

If you have your heart set on an East African safari, you'll still see a lot of animals, especially in Tanzania even though it’s leafy. Make sure the camps and lodges you wish to go to are open. You should be able to get some nice discounts.


Southern Africa countries are heading into their best safari period by June. South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Namibia enjoy their high season this time of year. Be prepared for some chilly nights and bring a jacket for the early morning drives and walks. #SouthAfrica #Botswana #Zambia #Namibia

July - September

Every major safari destination is primed for business in East Africa. Kenya's Masai Mara lays out the green carpet for millions of migrating wildebeest and a welcoming red carpet for tourists. This is the time for those spectacular river crossings with the crocodiles lying in wait for feeble wildebeest to stumble into their salivating jaws.

Parks can get crowded and booked up well in advance and so if you're looking for a budget safari, try a different season because this, is the season of the seventh world wonder- The Great Wildebeest Migration! #AdventureSafaris #TheAnnualMigration #KenyaandTanzania


Kenya and Tanzania are the best places for a safari in October. The small rainy season has usually not arrived yet and the dry months make game viewing very rewarding. #KenyaTanzania


Tanzania’s northern parks are the best places to go on safari in November, as the migrating herds make their way back to Serengeti.

If you're a fun of birds, Botswana's Okavango Delta begins to fill up with migrating birds, starting their breeding season that lasts until March.


East Africa reigns once more as the best safari destination and if you'd like to spend Christmas in the bush, then Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda enjoy some dry weather and excellent game viewing. #EastAfrica


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