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Balloon Safaris

Balloon Safaris in Serengeti
Ballon Safaris in Mara

Balloon Safaris are the most evocative and romantic way of seeing the wilderness of Africa, as you silently and gracefully fly over the plains crowded with herds or group of wild life in the beautiful early morning. Typically, a Balloon Safari begins at around 6 in the morning and lasts for about one hour. During this period you will likely see the magnificent wildlife below and over several square kilometers of the best game parks in Africa.

Hot Air Balloon Safari in Masai Mara

In Masai Mara, the Balloon Safari ride begins when you wake up at your tented lodge or camp very early in the morning excited about the wildlife viewing from a raised position. Visitors are prepared for the mission ahead by being awaken with the traditional hot Kenyan fresh tea and coffee. You are expected to arrive at the hot air Balloon site in Masai Mara by 6.00 a.m. and the Safari trip ends at around 9.00 a.m. Masai Mara Balloon Safari gives a lifetime experience that you will forever live to cherish.

In the morning of your Balloon Safari trip, the Safari vehicle will pick you from your camp or lodge as early as 5.a.m. to drive you to the site arriving at around 6.a.m. Here, you have a chance to watch the pilots preparing the Balloons for a take-off while enjoying your cup of traditional Kenyan fresh tea or coffee. Later you will meet your pilot who will brief you on what you expect during the trip and the safety precautions you must take during that particular trip like you are expected to wear warm clothing to protect yourself from the early morning cold weather.

At about 6:30 a.m. you will be loaded into your Balloon basket ready for take-off. Normally, the trip lasts for approximately one hour or even more depending on the weather conditions. The Balloon will then land between 7.30 and 7.45 am and upon landing the Safari vehicles will again pick you up and drive you a short distance for breakfast.

The Masai Mara lodge breakfast is set up on poetic savannah plains of the Mara, mostly under a single acacia tree shade. You will be served with waiters/ waitresses in traditional Kenyan attires with a breakfast complete with eggs to order, fresh juices, coffee, and champagne name them. The visitors will have ample time to go through the photos that they took during the Safari flight while taking their breakfast. You can also decide whether to buy the photos or any other goodies on display. After breakfast you can have a game drive back in your lodge or camp which will take approximately one hour. It is required that you get back to your lodge or camp at 10.45 a.m. reliving the memories of the flight.

Serengeti is the only place which holds Balloon Safaris regularly and they take off in the Seronera area where there is no animal disturbance. The Safari vehicle will drop you off at the take off site and pick you up from the landing site. The maximum number of people that can be loaded in one Balloon is sixteen.

The Land Rover will collect you at 5:00 am from the Serengeti central lodge or camp and drive you to the Serengeti launch site ready to partake on the Balloon Safari trip at dawn. At the Serengeti launch site you will meet your pilot who will give you some of the instructions and precautions to take during the Balloon Safari flight and you can also watch the inflation of your Balloon.

The Balloon takes up at dawn flying in whichever direction the wind takes it. The pilot can only control the altitude of the Balloon and can fly at tree top height and sometimes lower giving a great opportunity for photographs and a unique perspective of the wildlife below. The pilot can ascend to 300m above the ground to see the panorama of the Serengeti which is so wonderful and enormous. He increases more heat into the Balloon from time to time using the powerful whisper burners. Between the burns there is nothing but silence apart from the natural sounds below. The flight only takes about an hour depending on the weather conditions.

After landing you can celebrate with a Champaign before sitting down to an English breakfast which will be served in the bush. You receive your Serengeti Balloon Safari certificate after breakfast and the land rover will again pick you up and drive you back to your Serengeti central lodge or camp arriving at around 9.30 a.m. ready to continue with your day’s activities.

Balloon Safari in Serengeti

Balloon Safaris in Serengeti

Balloon Safari in Amboseli

 Amboseli Hot Air Balloon ride Safaris is available in Amboseli National Park in Kenya. The gentle movement of wind across the myriad of pinks, purples and oranges lighting up the Amboseli sky as you watch a wonderful ‘African sunrise’ makes Amboseli Hot Air Ballooning the most romantic way to fly.

The most beautiful site of Mount Kilimanjaro above the herds of elephant crossing the plains of Amboseli is a magnificent image of African and one of the most memorable experiences in life. The hot air Balloon Safaris in Amboseli allows you to spot buffalo, giraffes or zebra roaming the Park happily, if you are lucky enough you can even see a lion, the king of the jungle, enjoying an early morning kill.

You can get an aerial view of the traditional Masai villages known as Manyattas and many other beautiful earthly features. The Balloon will descend after about an hour on the red volcanic ash of the Amboseli earth. Since the Balloons goes strictly to where the wind takes them, each Balloon trip is a unique journey of its own.

The early morning flight is always crowned with a very personalized traditional bottle of champagne breakfast in the bush. The guests are served with Seasonal fruits, freshly made mushroom, eggs, bacon and tomato among a host of others. Visitors can sit out in the wild of Africa, on the slopes of the highest mountains that are only found in Africa; listen to the calls of the wild animals in the far distance while casually drinking the finest of Kenya’s aromatic and tasty coffee.

Amboseli hot air Balloon Safari comes with a pack of amazing features that visitors enjoy during their Safari trip. Some of the features that are included in Amboseli Hot Air Balloon are an early bush breakfast accompanied with champagne, enjoy a game drive to and from the camp or lodge, have an experience of a first class transportation abiding by vehicle standards in a custom made safari vehicle, freedom to office and cellular emergency contact details only while in Kenya. You get to enjoy all these and many other features that are not mentioned here. 

While all the above features are included in Amboseli Hot Air Balloon Safari trip calendar, there are other features that are excluded and visitors are expected to cater for their expenses when using them. Some of these features include insurance for the travelers/ visitors, visitors accommodation while in the camp, travelers visa cards, services of flying doctors, rate charges for communication, visitors are expected to cater for their own flights to and from Amboseli, drinks, visitors to settle bills for drinks, meals and partying, and some other optional functions like sightseeing are also not included in the Amboseli hot air Balloon Safari trip calendar.

Balloon Safaris in Amboseli
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